Category Archives: Life In General

Energy and stamina

For the longest time I felt dull and listless.  I imagined that this was the way that life worked.  You grew older and you ran down on energy. The thing is that I so readily accepted this because it was so easy to slip into that mindset.  The vicious circle was that I would eat junk food which sapped my energy, which made me want to do nothing, which made me somewhat depressed which made me want to eat.

Took a lot to break that cycle.  Took even more to keep it broken.  Those first few weeks…  Coming home after just half an hour of walking at night, bathed in sweat, achy, tired.  But you have to commit and you can’t expect instant or even near instant results.

For weeks I kept going out, I researched and researched health and fitness and my eating habits on the net.  I learned that a healthy person takes about 10000 steps a day and a fit person about 12500.  I bought a cheap little pedometer and found that I took about 2500 steps a day.  Some figuring and measuring and I determined I had to do at least 5 miles a day to be healthy or 6 and a half miles a day to be fit, so those became my initial targets.  Walk in the morning, in the afternoon, and night.  Add it all up and come up with my targets.  Later I would do that in one go but that took a long time.

Eating came next and in many ways it was tougher.  I read up on what minimum amount of calories I needed a day and came out with 1800 to 2000 per day.  I was around 3500 to 4000 a day.  An immediate cut in my calories.  I tried to negotiate with myself as to junk food.  I got the health guides from the restaurants and tried to come up with 1800 calorie menus but the thing is that those health guides may be right about the calories but it’s calories with a lot of starch, a lot of sugars, a lot of fats.  Three of the toughest things to burn off.  I had to get myself away from these things and that was a long, long battle.  In some ways it continues to this day.

The thing is that you don’t really see a result.  You can try to go the weight scale route and get super happy when you lose five pounds and depressed again when you gain back three but I put a stop to that early on.  No need to stress my emotions on top of everything.

My scale of success was how I was able to increase my daily mileage over time.  How I one day just broke out and began running, how I stopped coming home out of breath and feeling half dead and started coming home more relaxed and energetic.

I never got that magic moment when I could proclaim “you’re healthy!”  I have started getting those looser clothing moments, I have begun to see some definition in the bulges, and a lift in my mood, but I doubt that I will ever be able to say  that “I’ve made it”

Quality vs. Luxury

I have previously posted my thoughts on quality vs. quantity.  This is a continuation of that train of thought but focused more towards the other side of the spectrum.

While I disdain luxury I do recognize that some higher level items are built and designed better than common things.  Some of these things I don’t disparage.

Computers for example.  Pretty central to my life.  How sad is that?  It’s pretty much essential for my work and a good portion of life now revolves around leveraging the resources that the internet provides to make my life better.  While it’s easy and tempting to get the cheapest machine possible, I have to keep some things in mind.  I want to get the longest service life possible out of this machine.  Getting a clearance priced machine on its way out is cheating myself out of that service life.  Also back in the day when I used to game I needed a pretty up to date machine to keep up with the graphics.  I don’t splurge on unnecessary things such as surround sound or 27 inch monitors but I do get good graphics and processing speed.  These are key to making sure my computer will be with me a long time.

Cars are another thing I feel strongly about.  I took six months to research my last purchase.  Very possible that in the beginning of the year I will begin a search for a new car.  But let’s wait and see on that.  I road-tested various models from PT Cruisers to Mercedes before settling on the Dodge Charger.  Now, The Mercedes C class sports sedan is a very fine automobile.  Technically there is nothing wrong with it.  The couple of times that I have driven one I have found them to be excellent.  But the thing is, how much am I paying for quality and how much am I paying for a name?  In the end I felt I could get the quality that I was looking for in a cheaper direction.

Even food has entered the equation.  My fit foods has recently opened up in my neighborhood.  This is high-end nutrition with a focus on getting healthy and keeping healthy.  At first I balked at the price; anywhere from $5 to $8 per meal.  But then consider that this easily falls in line with the price of junk food meals out there.  I am getting food that is good for me, that is prepared and ready to heat and eat, that takes calories into account, and most importantly it tastes good.  I don’t have to cook all the time and I don’t have to resort to fast food if I find myself in a time crunch situation.

Things like Rolex watches, name brand suits or shoes, or jewelry I don’t see the point in those.  Things like high quality smartphones, tablets, cars, and foods I do find to be worth my while.  I don’t see these as useless luxuries but things that add value to my life.


The listener

I have always been the listener in the relationship.  No matter what the relationship is.  I am always open to listen to the other person no matter what their problem is or who they are.  I have listened to my parents concerns, my friend’s fears, my (back then) S.O.’s hopes, and a stranger’s lament.

Why they open up to me I don’t know.  Maybe it’s because I don’t mind and never judge.  It’s one thing to keep a thought locked up in your mind, even talking to yourself lacks something.  But telling that thought to someone else.  That’s some sort of release for them, or maybe a balm.

Sometimes the relief is so palpable that I can see them visibly relax, the tension draining from their frame.  They can go about their lives or they can then make a decision that was till then stalled in their mind.  They don’t necessarily want me to say anything or make up their mind for them.  They just want to bounce those thoughts off another living person.

I don’t speak much but I do pay attention.  I sit forward and keep them in the center of my gaze.  They feel safe and the center of attention and that’s really all that they want.  They know I won’t interrupt them and steer the topic away from something that they don’t want to discuss.

Sometimes they share everyday concerns and sometimes they share darker problems.  That’s when I feel like Dante walking through hell and having all the lost souls confess the sins that brought them there.  Sometimes it’s hard but I don’t judge.  They put their faith in me.  They have opened up to me and need me to act as a sounding board and nothing more.  it is a rare honor that they bestow upon me and I don’t take it lightly.


Funny old thing, life.

Consider those moments of extreme stress or joy in your situation versus the situation at large and you’ll see what I mean.

You might live in a nice upscale neighborhood, pour yourself a glass of fresh juice, turn the AC up since it’s going to be a hot day, meet loved ones for brunch.  Yet a few miles away a single mom with five kids looks at her light bill for the fifth time and knows she doesn’t have enough to keep the electric company from turning off her lights the next day.

When you go through some stressful situation or when you’re sick that while you feel miserable out in the world someone is kissing on a moonlit bridge over some river.  elsewhere a young person gets their first car or another person discovers their gift for playing music.  During your moment of personal hell the world keeps going.

Conversely during those moments of joy when things seem to be going so right for you that elsewhere someone hasn’t eaten for days and probably wont tonight.  A family watches helplessly as a loved one slowly slips deeper into illness and slowly dies.  During your moment of bliss the world keeps going,

In some far off land two peoples that have been enemies for untold centuries plan the next round of atrocities that they will commit upon each other.  Nothing has changed and nothing will change in their lifetimes.  In some other land several different peoples plan and gather to celebrate their cultures and exchange ideas.  The mixing of ideas and cultures brings about profound changes and creates a new culture.

Sitting quietly by observing it all, the trees add one more layer of bark, mountains erode a quarter of a millimeter, continents creep along their paths set eons ago, a mass of molten hot rock churns and spins deep inside the planet.  Another thousand or so tons of hydrogen converts to helium in the blink of an eye deep inside the sun.  None of them pay any mind to the little monkeys.



This topic used to be not just somewhat but totally ignored by me.  Now though it’s becoming more and more tangible.  Still a ways away but something to think on.

So we have to go back to the ancient eighties and my youth.  Like probably 99% of kids anywhere I had no retirement plan in place.  Unlike most kids though I was certain that I wouldn’t need one.  I had this overly developed sense of doom about the world’s prospects in the future.  Nuclear armageddon at the very least, end times and judgment day or something like that at most.

For a more serious perspective though I had to look to my role model, my father.  Already in his sixties back then he had no retirement plan at all.  Living by the mantra of “work till I drop so why plan on retirement?”.  All very romantic I suppose, but he never stopped to consider that maybe a third alternative existed.  One in which you get crippled up in life and you need to have a retirement plan in place.  Fortunately for him and my mother, they are well off and comfortable and don’t have to worry.

I on the other hand ran around like an idiot for the first decade after college spouting this drivel about “working till i die” and not planning at all.  I even ran around without health insurance for a time and just got lucky I didn’t suffer more.

Then I got a root canal.

Nothing deflates that sense of invincibility like having to sit in a chair for an hour while a doctor does something unspeakable to your teeth with items found at your local hardware store.  Actually the procedure was fairly pain free.  The $1500 bill afterwards was not.

Then maybe it starts to dawn on you that you might not last forever.  Maybe you need to put aside something for the future or that maybe you don’t really want to be doing the same thing over and over again till you do drop dead.  So then I start looking at my financial situation and start to get educated about what i will need and how I’m going to get it.  Shocking what life costs, specially in the future.

What that experience did do (financially anyways) was make me realize that I had to mend my ways and play serious catch up with where I should be.  My physical reform would still take years but it is happily now underway.

So here we are now.  I’ve played out various scenarios over the years and I warm to one or the other from time to time.  Some of the more popular ones:

  • Part time professor in some small college in a western state where the teaching load isn’t too bad and I have plenty of time to write a book or three
  • Some sort of farmer or rancher, possibly overseas like in Australia or New Zealand raising….things
  • Self imposed exile in some european city with some museums and cafes and plazas where old people gather to play chess and talk politics or whatever
  • Volunteer work in East Africa.  Helping dig wells, teaching kids.  Seeing if I do have something worth sharing with others.

Still plenty of time to think it over.


Self Image and self improvement

I’ve always wondered how a person differentiates between self improvement, things meant solely to improve your life, and conceits, things that just feel good or make you look good.

I would like to think of myself as wholly pragmatic (most people would) but that isn’t so.  I have done many things in my life just for pleasure’s sake and usually with consequences.  However I hope that I’ve finally outgrown this.

All I can do here is review some of these decisions.


I never appreciated the amount of abuse that I put my body through in my younger days.  By my late thirties my body was a wreck.  I didn’t realize it at the time but my metabolism was working in overdrive to keep up with the massive amounts of calories that I was shoveling in.  One day it quit.  I began piling on the pounds, I was pre-diabetic and getting dizzy spells and realized my body needed desperate help.

My body has responded well to exercise and self control (far, far better than I have to right to expect) and I am now on my way back.  Now below the weight that I once considered acceptable I am hoping to reach my own weight goal by the Fall and the accepted weight norms by next year.  Whatever happens, this is likely be part of my lifestyle from now on.


My mother always wants me to do something with my hair.  As if some exotic or new hair style will distract from the male pattern baldness that I see in my brothers, my dad, and every other male on both sides of the family.  All I can do is keep it short as that seems to look best.

I don’t fear baldness.  I fear the “comb over” stage that comes in between.  Of becoming one of those old men that needs wigs, or transplants, or whatever to cling to their youth.  I hope that I can be brave enough take it all off when the time comes.


Admittedly a conceit.  I’ve always had a boyish face and perceived it as a minus.  i never cared for that perception among my peers as I thought it made them take me less seriously.  So I began with a mustache and graduated to a beard years ago.  I may want to look younger one day and may shave it off but for now it stays.  People know me by the beard and expect it.

Jewelry and clothes

My dad bought me an engraved silver bracelet for graduation.  Never wore it.  I loathe fancy things.  They just seem so prissy and unnecessary.  I do wear my Aggie ring but as a sign of fellowship to my fellow former students.  i do also have a nice watch, which hasn’t had a new battery in years and probably needs one.  Shows how much I use it.

In clothes I have become much more practical.  Going from what was considered stylish and up to date to just wearing what feels comfortable has been a blessing.  My life is simplified by not having to keep up with trends and fashions.  I recognize the need for such types of clothes from time to time and I keep a suit handy (which is probably too big now) but other than that it’s a basic closet.

Life decisions or a lack thereof

I’ve wasted so much time on minutiae, little trivial matters, things that really weren’t worth my time.  Chasing after a good time on the weekends, chasing petty little material goals, keeping company with people that weren’t worth my time.  These experiences have given me a wealth of stories to tell but they haven’t really contributed that much to my situation.

When I got into social networking and started reconnecting to folks that I knew from way back when and they told me their stories of families, careers, and goals met I looked at my life and started to wonder where the time had gone.  I started realizing that I had been living and reliving the exact same weekend for years.

I know that I never became a drug addict or an alcoholic or ended up in a bad marriage or any of the other serious pitfalls in life but I could have done so much better with what I was given at the time and that’s a painful realization to make.

I’m not saying that I have it all figured out and planned now or that it’s going to work out as I envision it or that it may not change.

I do however say that I am more awake now than I have been in years.



Jury duty

[Author’s note] – I am writing this early as I won’t be near a laptop when I usually publish.

My friend, Leslie had jury duty today.  She probably handled the experience with more grace than I am apt to when I have to report next month.  Whether you look at it as a privilege or as a chore you probably have noticed that it’s not the most efficient system ever.  You could probably complain to a local law clerk but then they will give you an earful about how they’re doing the best they can.

No doubt that they are.  We have to remember that looking in that it all looks so disorganized and inefficient.  But we have to keep in mind that they have been adapting and modifying the system to work for the last 200 plus years.  The system works well enough for those that work there 5 days a week for the entire year.

On the other hand if you’re dragged away from your home, business, and friends then it’s a useless hassle.

The jury duty pay is a token amount and is a joke really.  I wonder what would happen if it was abolished.  Unless you’re unemployed it nowhere near makes up for the lost wages.  The parking system is antiquated, and the whole process puts jurors in a bad mood.  Is that really what a defense lawyer wants?  A jury in a bad mood?

I have taken five turns at bat doing jury duty.  The one time I served was for an assault case and it took 2 days.  All the other times I was dismissed after wasting an entire morning and part of an afternoon.  My experience has been relatively mild compared to some.

I will still moan and complain of course.  Tis our right after all.

But what other way can we do this?  Do you have any suggestions?




too much or too good

The classic conundrum of quantity vs quality.

Which is better or at least more preferable?  For most of my life it was quantity.  Particularly in food.  For example at the office, my reasoning was why go out of my way for quality food?  I mean it’s just another lunch right?  So Wendy’s, Quiznos, Mickey D’s, Taco Hell, and KFC and then rinse and repeat in a slightly different order the next week.  So I wouldn’t get sick of it.

But I was sick of it.  Thinking about it, I constantly complained about the food at work.  I told my boss, my co-workers, the girl at the fast food cash register.  But I never did anything about it.  Bring in my own?  HA!  That would make things worse.

The same thing happened in other aspects of my life that I didn’t deem all that important.  I would generally take the cheap mass quantity option rather than holding out or looking for something of better quality.

On the few occasions that things really did matter to me I would take the time and make the effort to find something of quality that would last a long time and serve me well.  Cars and computers being the prime example.

Generally it takes me around six months of researching and looking around until I settle on a new car and for the most part they have lasted for a long time and given me really good service.  Same deal with computers.  So why wasn’t I doing that for the rest of my life?

The little decisions like lunch, or clothes, or experiences, or friends.  They may seem common place but they actually have a great effect on how you live your life.  I mean I could waste my life going to bars and hang out with barfly buddies every Friday and Saturday night and have the same old stale conversations all the time or go to a museum, a play, a coffee-house, a festival somewhere outside of town.  Sure I don’t have a big group of people around me anymore but the few people I do, I really like.  They greatly enhance my life.

In the same way I have dropped the fast food habit and switched over to healthier meals.  I find that I pay slightly more for them than the junk food but the results are much better for me.  I don’t complain about the food anymore and I feel more energetic afterwards as well as getting this feeling that I’m doing something positive in my life every day.

My television lies idle more and more.  I no longer find it satisfactory to lie in front of it and let it hypnotize me to sleep each night.  More I think of it, the more I want to cancel my cable TV plan.  I try not to pick up just any book to read anymore but rather find things worth reading.

I find all these yearnings within me to make fundamental changes in my life to make that life better, not just to have more things in it.  It’s taking time but I find that if I slow down and make more careful choices that I can slowly begin to improve my lot in life one carefully chosen step at a time.





Nerves and fear

I always get the queasy stomach just before some important event.  If it’s something new that I’ve never done or whether it’s a stressful situation that I’ve been in before doesn’t seem to matter.  It gets specially bad when it’s something important to me personally.

I can’t even stand to think of food let alone eat, my stomach gets tied in knots and I start to think of every bad thing that could possibly go wrong.

But when the event starts then I smooth out.  I can think again, I can act.  I have too many things to do to get nervous.

And that is all that it is after all.  Nerves.

I notice that whatever it is, isn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be.  Even if it is as bad as I think it’s going to be the anticipation is gone, the unknown factor vanishes and I am suddenly free again to act and react rather than wait.

I keep telling myself that but it doesn’t matter I still get the nerves.  So I plan ahead, I make preparations way ahead of time so that I won’t miss any important detail before the fear gets me.  I can then “enjoy” the nervousness without adding the fear that I have missed something due to this.

What a way to live.



I miss many things by not living inside the city.  Let’s face it, it’s an exciting time in the city’s history.  Who could have predicted the rise of Houston’s urban landscape back in the 90s?  I certainly didn’t.

It’s not just the paid venues like restaurants and clubs that are making the inner loop better, though they are getting more numerous and more impressive.  What is really making the difference is the rise of Houston’s artistic community.  We have more and more art galleries opening up, art festivals, and more artists coming over and saying “you know, it’s not so bad here after all”

So why don’t I take the plunge and make the move into the city?  Complicated.  Part of the answer is that not too long ago I did not expect to be here that long.  About five years ago my mid range plans were to leave Houston.  Living out in the ‘burbs I did not see anything that would cause me to stay here.  I mean there is nothing special about strip malls, freeways, and cookie cutter houses for miles and miles.  I wanted something special, mountains, oceans, interesting things to look at or see.  I was already making lists of possible places to move to like the Pacific Northwest or one of the cities of the Northeast or possibly even out of the country altogether.

Another part of the answer is family.  I have two elderly parents that need care.  They have to be part of any decision that I make for the moment.  I began to make this realization about eight years ago and began to plan for this.

My parents may think that they can be as independent as they used to be but based on recent history I don’t think that’s possible.  I need to be nearby.  They would be happy to live out in some small town in the middle of nowhere or even living back in Chile over 4000 miles away.  They see the city as noisy, congested, and crime ridden.  No amount of persuasion, or brochures, or websites will change their minds  The suburbs where they used to live was the best compromise I could come up with.  They know the area and are comfortable with it and I am close enough to the city that it’s not an hour long drive just to get into the loop.

But when it’s just me?  What will I want for myself?  I haven’t had much time to ponder that lately.  But certainly life inside the loop will come back into my considerations.  I don’t need to go to far off exotic places to find a happy life.  Maybe it’s just half an hour away