Jury duty

[Author’s note] – I am writing this early as I won’t be near a laptop when I usually publish.

My friend, Leslie had jury duty today.  She probably handled the experience with more grace than I am apt to when I have to report next month.  Whether you look at it as a privilege or as a chore you probably have noticed that it’s not the most efficient system ever.  You could probably complain to a local law clerk but then they will give you an earful about how they’re doing the best they can.

No doubt that they are.  We have to remember that looking in that it all looks so disorganized and inefficient.  But we have to keep in mind that they have been adapting and modifying the system to work for the last 200 plus years.  The system works well enough for those that work there 5 days a week for the entire year.

On the other hand if you’re dragged away from your home, business, and friends then it’s a useless hassle.

The jury duty pay is a token amount and is a joke really.  I wonder what would happen if it was abolished.  Unless you’re unemployed it nowhere near makes up for the lost wages.  The parking system is antiquated, and the whole process puts jurors in a bad mood.  Is that really what a defense lawyer wants?  A jury in a bad mood?

I have taken five turns at bat doing jury duty.  The one time I served was for an assault case and it took 2 days.  All the other times I was dismissed after wasting an entire morning and part of an afternoon.  My experience has been relatively mild compared to some.

I will still moan and complain of course.  Tis our right after all.

But what other way can we do this?  Do you have any suggestions?




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