The narrative version of life

Recently someone in one of my Facebook groups posted up a funny little graphic that asked in part “what if we were all characters in a book”

That got me thinking, what if we looked at the problems, goals, and challenges in our lives as if we were writing them for a novel?  Could it help some people to think about these aspects of their lives in different ways?

So if you have a problem with a person in your life you write a little scene describing the problem, the other person, the way that you feel.  Your describe how your character might deal with the problem.

You set up a scene in which both characters come together and have a dialogue to resolve the problem or maybe the problem doesn’t get resolved.  See where the story takes you.

Then comes the important part.  You sit back and re-read the little story you just wrote and really analyze it.  Would you really say this?  Would the other character really do that?  Why does your character do what they do?  What’s their motivation?  Does the re-reading of the scene give you a different perspective on the issue?  Does it reinforce your beliefs?  Do you now have some insight into the other person’s point of view?

All of us can sometimes get so wrapped up in the moment that we lose perspective.  It’s human nature and it has its uses.  This type of dedication and focus helps us ignore the distractions of life and really devote our efforts to one thing.  In this way it helps us get to the next level.

But sometimes factors outside of your immediate attention are taking place and you can’t notice them if you’re inside the action.  Sometimes it takes an outside eye (whether it’s your eye or someone else’s eye) to really see what is going on.

Whether you take this particular approach or not, sometimes it helps to detach yourself from the situation and look at it as if you were an unconcerned spectator. You might spot things that you would otherwise miss while you’re in the moment.

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