The giving season

I’ve never been too big a fan of the whole gift giving thing for Christmas.  Not that I’m Scrooge mind you but individual people are hard to shop for.  Or maybe I don’t have the sense for determining what I should get for an individual.  I don’t know but in most cases it’s a chore for me.  Plus honestly I get this feeling like I’m being manipulated to buy things for people just because the retailers tell me I have to.

What I enjoy more is giving to charity groups and organizations.  The Houston food bank, Ripley house, the Houston Area Women’s Center and the star of hope shelter are local groups that I know are making a difference for people.  I feel my money makes a greater impact here than in other ways.

I also keep in mind some of my online groups that aren’t exactly charities but they do a lot of good just the same.  Groups like Wikipedia, Kickstarter, and NPR are things that I enjoy and support.

If you find that you don’t know where to put your money, charity navigator is a great place to start looking.

But really the first and best step is to decide to break the monotonous process of just going to the mall and loading up things for a small group of people.  Give to a greater pool of people this season.  You will feel so much better for it.

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