Endearments and PDA

I’m walking in a mall (it happens) and there’s a couple out in front of me.  Holding hands, walking slowly, stopping every few feet to look at something or other in a shop window.  Generally just blocking my path.

I’d go round but I’m carrying a two bags full of gifts and the traffic both ways is ridiculous.  So I’m stuck.  I inadvertently hear some of their conversation and it’s laced with endearments.




“pookie bear”

Then they stop and kiss.  Finally I catch a break and I can speed round.

I don’t know where you fall on the whole endearments issue, pro or con.  Generally I fall on the pro side of the issue though not to that level of public display of affection (PDA).  I mean PDA is fine but don’t go way overboard like this couple was.

I mean come on guys, a little perspective and situational awareness.  This is a crowded suburban mall in Houston, Texas.  Not the Pont des Arts in Paris.  I think there is a time and place and an acceptable level of PDA out there for everyone.  But some people forget all that and like to take it too far no matter where they are.

I’ve seen couples do….well.  Let’s just say it wasn’t appropriate for the situation and the situation that they were in.

As to endearments, while I generally fall on the pro side, I think we need to be aware that some words do have multiple connotations and that if you use the wrong word or over use a word then the other person may take offense to it.

“Babe” for example.  Some might feel that this term objectifies and/or belittles a partner.  Specially if it is repeated often and in public.  While the actual intent might be affectionate in nature it may not come off sounding that way to the other person.  The other person may in fact think you are belittling them.

I think it’s something that couples have to discuss at some point of their relationship and not in a confrontational manner but in a way that helps both parties know where they stand on such an issue.  Knowing these things helps couples get closer together rather than driving them apart.


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