Tag Archives: Comic Con

Vacation 2013 part 1: A country mouse goes to Gotham

I was quite prepared to hate New York City.  As with many folks from the west, I had a somewhat prejudiced and suspicious view about anything related to the east coast.

My mind entertained thoughts of gangs running wild, rude pushy people, and sky-high prices for everything.

The trip started badly.  The flight was delayed by three hours, the pilot almost dropped us into Philadelphia due to bad weather but we finally arrived at midnight.

I next spent an hour trying to get a taxi.  I finally reached my hotel, the Hudson, around 1:30 in the morning.

The expectation I had been an empty lobby with a sleepy clerk barely awake.  This was totally wrong.  Cabs were going in and out, people were still going out and there was a waiting line at the front desk.  I got my room key and went up and found the tiniest of hotel rooms.  Who cares?  I was exhausted and went right to sleep.

I woke up five hours later.  Central park beckoned.  I asked for directions and ran out there.  A sort of mecca for runners.  I passed by the homeless people on Columbus square and started out.  Not too different from home.  Then came the hills and vales.  One in particular went up and up and up.  Then there is the lack of reference points for new people.  The run seemed to go on forever.  But finally I saw Columbus square again.

Saturday was mainly Comic con.  I will cover that another day but I did get to reconnect with Felicia Day.  She is still wonderfully low-key even after all her success and fame.

Sunday started out bad.  I slipped and banged my knee hard in central park.  My mobility was cut but I was determined to get some things done.  I checked on my car rental, and then on a whim I went into a subway entrance.  I had originally planned to visit Coney Island but with my knee damaged that appeared to be out of the question.  I just wanted to check out the subway.  As it happened I had wandered into the right subway by pure chance.  So I went to Coney Island by accident.  Ate a hot dog at Nathan’s, watched people walk the boardwalk and do other beach related activities.

On the way back I stopped at Zuccoti park and the 911 memorial.  Went back to my hotel and rested.

After dinner I wandered the streets and again by accident wound up in times square.

One thing I noted was how polite New yorkers actually are.  Maybe they understand that living in a big city that you will bump into strangers and apologizing is just a good policy.  The other thing is that they were quite willing to help out a stranger.

Monday was packing and getting ready to leave the city.  One last trip to the American museum of natural history.

I drove north to Sleepy Hollow.  Somewhat disappointed.  It’s more a suburb of new york now.

I crossed the Tappan zee bridge and left new york city behind.