Category Archives: Short Story

Fiction: Definitions of magic user classes

Author’s note:  A story shard

The use of “magic” is not a monolithic practice without distinctions.  The paths to using eldritch energies vary almost from user to user.  However we can qualify some generalized practices and loosely define some “schools” of thought concerning these practices.

What follows is an introductory study into these schools of magic.

Eldritch energy is a narrow band of electromagnetic radiation found in high energy regions just beyond gamma radiation.  As it is difficult to observe it has not generally been accepted that it is its own form of energy and not a part of gamma radiation.  Eldritch energy is characterized as being fairly easy to manipulate by certain individuals with mental powers, beings from other dimensions, and certain types of alien life forms.

Eldritch energy may also be manipulated using a complex combination of theoretical logic equations and invocations to certain “deities” or in reality alien beings with massive reserves of this type of energy (known hereafter as mana).  The distinction between these two schools of practice is what we will mainly discuss.

The Mageic school

The mageic school of eldritch thought is what most people think of when they talk about magicians, wizards, sorcerers, etc.

The mageic school was an attempt to philosophically describe, define, and expand upon generalized concepts and ideas that proposed that certain forms of energy can be manipulated by means of logical arguments and thought.  The two main branches dealt with two of the basic building blocks of the universe; matter and energy.

Researchers who looked into this school noted how similar some of the “spells” in magic books are to modern programing code.

The Wizard branch of the school deals primarily with energy and the manipulation thereof using complex logic equations centered on in essence “persuading” energy particles to condense together and flow in directions that they might not have done so otherwise.

The magician side of the school focusing more on affecting matter and invoking matter into action in a similar fashion as the wizards do with pure energy.

The Shamanic school

The shamanic school of eldritch thought involved mainly the invocation of power borrowed from other beings or from the elemental forces of nature (the earth, water, trees, etc).

Shamans could come with various titles depending on what part of the world you were looking at.  Druid, medicine man, spirit guide, witch, high priest, or of course shaman.

This is a more informal and often a more oral tradition of magic use that depends on the invocation of power from another source.  The shaman in effect borrows these powers temporarily and does not own them.  The privileges can be augmented over time or revoked depending on circumstances.  Typically there will be a gift or tribute involved (sacrifice) in the transaction.


There is some argument as to which school is the more “powerful” school.  Undoubtedly the shamanic school can call upon greater resources but as has been noted above these powers are borrowed and are not too reliable whereas the mageic caster does not need to ask for power but rather relies upon his own skill.


the dark

[ Author’s note.  This story was inspired by an incident several months back.  I was running in the park before dawn and it was very foggy out.  I passed two homeless men sleeping on a park bench and woke them.  As I ran on, I swear I could hear footsteps behind me but all I could see was the fog all around me.  Probably all imagination on my part.  We shouldn’t fear the dark as much as we should fear what’s in our mind.]



The alarm went off and Beckie slapped at her smart-phone to shut off the alarm. With her eyes half closed she turned on the lamp on her night stand and sat up in bed scratching her head. No interest at all in running this morning but she knew that those were the days she had to do it most of all.

Her french Pug, Rascal, didn’t stir as she got out of bed and got ready to run. She slipped on her shorts and t-shirt, strapped on her pedometer watch and music player, laced up her running shoes and got her key. She made sure everything was secure and headed to the door.

Rascal was finally up and yapping at her. Begging to go out with her. “You’re too little, buddy. You’d never make the 5 miles, baby. But mommy will be back to walk you soon.”

Rascal chased her to the door and she had to nudge him back in to get out. She locked her door and trotted down the stairs to the ground floor. She lived on the third floor of a small apartment building in the city.

She was proud that she had come to the big scary city and made it on her own. Everyone in her home town told stories about how dangerous, rude, and creepy the big city could be but here she had been living in the big bad city for a year now and it had been nothing but awesome.

On the stoop of the building she went through her stretches but was disturbed by a rattle. Turning abruptly she saw Tim. He was a local homeless guy that she had run into a few times. Some said he was a homeless vet, others that he was just another junkie.  Mrs Reznick, the old lady, in 4C just said he was trouble.

Beckie didn’t care. She had been brought up to be kind to everyone and she sometimes sent a couple bucks his way or a sandwich now and then. Hopefully he would get his life together one day.

She waved to Tim and he waved back as she left for her run. She had a 5 mile course that she ran every morning. The cool darkness and quiet helped her think about things. Like maybe Randy from accounts? The tall blond hottie was certainly worth thinking about. He was also starting to take the hint and had started noticing her flirting.  If only that obnoxious Margie Thomas from H.R. would quit trying to steal him away.  Randy wanted a younger woman like Beckie not some old crone like Margie. I mean she was almost thirty!

She was about half a mile out when she heard…something. It wasn’t the normal city noises. She knew those and was comfortable with those. This was different, It was behind her and it seemed to be keeping up with her.

She resisted the urge to look back. She had not been scared of the dark since she was a kid. Her dad used to pull boogeyman pranks on her coming out of her closet at bedtime and made her almost pee the bed but she had long since outgrown those fears.

Was there something to fear back there? Her friend Connie ran the neighborhood watch program and had told her about some bastard wandering round in the area raping and killing women. Connie urged her to get in the group and help take back the night but Beckie thought that Connie was a worry wart. Maybe she was wrong.

Another rattle. Beckie stopped to listen. Nothing.

She started running again and there was that noise. Like a faint scratching. Her heart was beating faster. She didn’t need the wrist monitor to tell her that, she could hear it, and it had nothing to do with her workout.

She picked up the pace but the noise kept up with her. She recognized this part of her run. One of the sodium arc lights sometimes sputtered off leaving the street in pitch black conditions as if it were a country lane.

“Please, please stay on!” she thought as she ran down the street.

Just as she ran under the light it went out. She felt as if she was having a heart attack. Flashbacks of that boogie man coming out of the closet to get her swam through her panicked mind.

“Come back on, come back on! Please!”

She kept running. All she could sense was that noise getting closer and closer.

She picked up the pace as much as she could. Her legs pumping faster and faster. Sweat started running down her face and she felt she would vomit any second.

“Just have to make it home, just get home, girl.”

A hill. One of the few in the city and now she had to struggle up this to get back. Her legs were on fire. “He’s going to get you.” kept running over and over in her head.

She made it up the hill and went faster down the other side but the noise kept up. “Who the hell was this that could keep up with me?!?”

Her legs began giving out. Tears streaming down her face mixing with the sweat, making her eyes sting.

“No! No! Don’t stop now!”

They had no more strength left. But she was so close to home! She started slowing, she couldn’t help it. She was crying and finally collapsed under the glow of a street light. The noise got louder and she looked up to see who it was.

Rascal came out of the darkness. His little claws making that odd scratching noise on the concrete. He yapped at her and came to lick her face. She laughed and cried hysterically. Rascal just tilted his head and looked at her blinking a couple of times.

“How on earth did you get out you little monster!?”

She took the little darling in her arms and walked back the rest of the way. As she rounded the corner to her street she saw three police cruisers in front of her building as well as a funeral hearse. She approached a police man and asked what had happened.

They had been called to the building about a break in and found the local rapist that everyone was looking for and killed him in a shootout. Connie approached her. “He was in your apartment, Beckie. Waiting for you to get home.” A gurney rolled out with Tim lying dead on the slab. Mrs Reznick approached them.

“Told you he was trouble.”

An hour later Beckie saw the last of the policemen off. She thanked them for their kindness but she wouldn’t need a policeman outside her door. She locked the door and sighed. She put Rascal on the sofa and went to her room.

“What a morning! They will never believe this at work.”

She went to her closet and moved the clothes from one rail to one side. She unlatched the secret crawl space in her wall and opened it. Margie Thomas was still in there. Bound and gagged, Her mascara had run as she had been recently crying. Beckie smiled.

“That rapist dumb-ass nearly ruined everything. But don’t worry Margie. I’m going to take care of you real soon.”

Margie tried to scream through her gag as Beckie locked the crawl space again to get ready for work. She wondered what Randy would like to see her wear today.


Story Shard – A matter of scarcity


Michael woke up in the dark.  The nightmare he woke from seemed so real that he was shaking.  He could still see the shiny black bumper of the German sports car as it knocked him over on the street corner.

He reached for the bedside lamp but couldn’t find it  He pawed and pawed and got frustrated and sat up.  The lights slowly came up by themselves and an old man in a white gown carrying a clipboard was looking at him.

“Hello Michael”

“Who the hell are you?”

“I’m a sort of reception committee.”

Michael suddenly thought about the dream and felt a cold lump form in his gut.

“you mean I’m dead, right?  You’re like St Peter, right?'”

The old man chuckled.

“Let me answer the second part first.  I am a representation of what you expect to see, I really have no physical form or name.  If it helps you can think of me this way and call me Peter.  As to the second part, well not dead yet.  You are in a bit of a coma right now and you will be waking in a few hours.  But we wanted to have a talk with you while you were out.”

Peter helped Michael off the bed and started walking.  The walls of his “room” seemed to dissolve.  They seem to be walking down an office corridor.  On either side young men and women hovered over what seem to be combination computer stations and drafting boards.  One or two of them looked up at him and seemed to regard him as junk yard dealers regarded a wrecked Maserati.

“you see, it’s about you an a matter of scarcity.  Have you ever thought about what went into making you?”

“I suppose carbon, and hydrogen…”

“Oh no not the physical aspects, but your characteristics, how you think, feel, what makes you scared, or brave?”

“No, not really, Don’t really get what you’re saying”

Peter sighed.  They walked on and past all the tables and seemed to now be walking on a catwalk over a lab of some kind with several tables and technicians working with vials and what looked like gas cylinders.

“you see we made you here.  Everything from the physical parts of you to the undefinable qualities that make up your character.  You were designed out there and built on one of these tables years ago.”

Michael tried his best to take it all in but was still stuck back at the part of being in a coma.  This had to be a bad nightmare of some kind.

Peter saw he was facing some resistance.  He walked to a large monitor and showed Michael a collage of images from his childhood, to youth, to his adult life and little by little he felt Michael coming around.

“Some qualities like bravery, genius, charm are rare.  We have limited reserves of these.  Back before you were born we were expecting a minor Armageddon breaking out just as you would reach adulthood.  We needed heroes and brilliant scientists, and leaders fighting for the side of good, but do you know how “expensive” those can be?”

Michael shook his head

“Yet we needed minor leaders, and heroes, and so on to take up the fight as well, and that’s where you came in.  We had tagged you as a minor hero and imparted some rare qualities into you in small amounts.”

Michael and Peter walked over a table where a finished human received the last of his qualities before being sent out

“But as sometimes happens. these Armageddons sometimes get called off.  Bad scheduling, mystical misalignments, who can say?  Your career as a minor hero got called off and we tried to fit you into a humdrum everyday existence as an accountant.  Long and short of it is, that we want those rare qualities back.  As I said those materials are rare and this was too good an opportunity to pass up.  You won’t wake up the same as when you went into the coma but you will be happy.”



Jack had just left Claire’s apartment and walked to the subway to take the last train home.  The rainstorm earlier in the evening had left it a cool dark October night and the cool breeze felt great.

The opening of her exhibition at Valentin’s gallery had been more successful than either of them could imagine.  They had a magical evening as they mixed with friends, art critics, fellow artists, and potential patrons.

Everyone agreed that Claire was the up and coming artist of the year for all the east coast and possibly in all of North America.  Views that vindicated his faith in her.  A faith that had led him to ceaselessly support and buoy her spirits in those moments of self doubt that she had over the years.

From the moment he met her he could see the inner light in her.  That special gift that expressed itself from her hands onto the blank canvas with such easy grace.  Jack himself had no such talents.  He was a mere accountant at a local company.  But he knew talent when he saw it.  He knew a gift when it expressed itself before his eyes.  He knew Claire was special and he also knew he loved her.

He didn’t want her to think he was just supporting her talent for an ulterior motive so he kept it to himself.  But now, now he would tell her.  Now that she had made it he couldn’t keep this to himself any longer.  He felt like running back and doing it now but he would be patient and tell her the next day.

He took the stairs down to the subway and waited at the platform.  It was a typical Sunday night.  No one there but an old man in a dingy raincoat that had seen better days and dirt brown pants finished with black shoes.  He nodded to the old man and the old man looked back.

A stringy old fellow with a weather scarred face.  Brown and wrinkled skin.  A shock of unruly white hair with piercing blue eyes.  Jack felt uneasy being next to the old man.  As if he would suddenly turn and pounce.  The minutes seemed to stretch on and on and nothing came down the subway.

The anxious feeling continued.  Jack seemed short of breath and had a tightness in his chest.  He decided to go up top and hail a cab.

“It won’t work, they won’t see you” The old man finally spoke


“The cabs.  They won’t see you.  You’re dead you see.  Happened a few minutes ago in a back alley.  A mugging I’m afraid.  Blotted out the memory for you.  Makes it easier I find.”

Jack just looked at him like he was nuts.  He took off up the stairs and found the old man waiting on the surface for him.

“Go look if you want.  Most of them do”

Jack noticed several police cruisers and a small crowd clustered round a nearby alley.  He didn’t need to look to know what he would find.  The unfairness of it all struck him.  Why of all times now?  Regrets, remorse

“Why?” Jack finally asked

The old man suddenly looked surprised as if he hadn’t expected this bit

“Well, it was simply your time my lad”
“What the hell does that mean?  My time?  who the hell determines that?!”

They both sat down on the curb and watched the hearse arrive and the reporters take notes and pictures.

“Believe it or not lad you did what you came to do in life and now it’s time to go”

“what?  you mean Claire?  But anyone could have done that.  It’s not rocket science”

“oh but it is.”  The old man got up and started walking.  Jack followed along.

“You see the thing is….. everyone in life has this specific role that they have to play.  it’s like some giant complicated equation.  Only one variable will plug-in right.  Otherwise the whole equation gets thrown out of kilter.  You were that one thing that Claire needed to push her to a new level”

“So why can’t I stay then?”

“too much of a good thing?  Maybe if you had stayed you would have affected her art, maybe she wouldn’t be as great.  Don’t know.  I don’t make the rules.  Don’t even enforce ’em.  I’m just here to guide you to your next stop.”

“But it doesn’t make sense.  One entire life just to inspire one person for a brief moment?  Seems like a waste to me.”

“you’re lucky actually.  Sometimes it’s millions of people dying in a war before a world leader changes his mind and decides to intervene in a war.  How do you think those folks feel?  I once knew a fellow that gave a pregnant mother a dirty look.  That’s all he had to do.  forty-eight years alive just for that.  Who can figure it out?”

“will she be ok?”

“Her?  oh hell yes!  Told you she’s going to be a great artist.  Be sad for a while of course but then she meets the love of her life….or something like that.”

“What?!?!  who?!?”

“Never mind that now lad.  Nothing to be done about it and we’ve places to go.”

“speaking of which, you know where I’m going?  Say by the way what’s your name?”

“Virgil.  Don’t rightly know that either.  I’m just here to drop you off at your particular exit”.

The rationalists

 [Author’s note] – This is a story shard that has bounced round my head for a while and has demanded to be released.  It is a take off on Brave new world and explores and expands on the idea of a world state.  I may expand this idea further in future posts.


The state determined all aspects of life and the people accepted it as they were rational. and to be against the state was irrational.  Those few irrational souls that could not accept the state’s wisdom would be banished to the inhospitable zones of the world.

One of the first things that the rational revolution had done was to centralize the world’s populations into easily controlled and managed urban centers.  This notion that one could settle anywhere they pleased was thoroughly quashed.  Those living in deserts, jungles, arctic, or remote areas were forcibly removed and relocated for their good and that of the world state.  Mechanization had reduced the Farm workforce by 90% and most of those were also relocated to the cities.  With people all centralized in urban areas the state could more easily watch and direct them.  Travel between the Megacities was strictly regulated and limited to official state business.

Everything was state business.  Private entrepreneurship was no longer tolerated as it was considered a speculative and anti-state activity.  Sure entrepreneurs could succeed wildly but they could also fail miserably and this would place burdens on the state.  Brand names and private businesses no longer existed.  Advertising and marketing no longer mattered.  Everything, even the people were state property.  So how could there be competition against the state?

When you were born you were assigned your net name and I.D.  Your life depended on that I.D.  Your food ration was tied to it, your online presence was defined by it and your job would be assigned to it once you reached a useful working age.

The rationalists had long determined that overpopulation would be their biggest and most uncontrolled problem.  Oversized populations unable to feed themselves could turn ugly and easily get out of hand.

The only rational solution was mass sterilization at birth.  The initial riots in the early history of the rational state were of course unfortunate but through vigorous re-education most of the population eventually accepted this course of action.  In time it became an accepted practice.

The problem of making more humans was solved by the invention of artificial invitro chambers.  The state could now control the type of person being made for the good of the state.  An individual was now spared the anxiety of worrying about their future career and interests.  These were now predetermined and assigned before you were born.  The neo-serf was happy and content in his new life.  It had now been over 400 years since the last ‘wild’ human had been born and the state now enjoyed the benefits of a predictable population curve.  The population had finally settled on a sustainable 1 billion persons.

Part of that predictability was the need of keeping the food supply available and universal.  The consumption of flesh and by products from those animals had long since ended.  Cows and chickens had in fact become extinct.

All foods was now plant-based or chemically produced.  The diet consisted now of a porridge made primarily from wheat (people with wheat allergies no longer existed).  To this porridge were added various minerals and vitamins necessary to keep up good health.  In parts of the world with different climates a similar porridge was made from rice.  All porridge was chemically altered to taste the same so there would be no jealousy or desire for something different.  The only drink available was water.  Things like coffee or tea were eradicated along with mood altering chemicals as being against the common good of the state.

Clothing was also regulated.  The basic uniform was a plain taupe colored pair of pants and shirt made from plant and artificial fiber.  Different colors were seen as an unnecessary and dangerous luxury that might overexcite a person.  Some differences were allowed for people who lived in cooler or warmer climates but the same idea was applied.

Entertainment is provided by educational texts and videos.  Things like plays, songs, movies, or stories all had been destroyed in the great reorganization of civilization when the rational regime had first been set up.  At first a thriving black market had existed in bootleg entertainment videos and texts but through vigorous effort it had been eventually rooted out.  The generations to come never knew these corrosive influences and never had a yearning for any of it.

Despite all the care taken some uncategorized individuals do still seem to make it past the genetic scanners and social screeners.  These individuals are banished into special quarantine zones in the less hospitable parts of the world.  As they are born sterile they will not reproduce in the wild and are left to fend for themselves.  Most die off in the first six months of exile.