The real pleasures of life

Cold and rainy days are perfect for trying out quiet and meditative pastimes. I mean there’s nothing wrong with a good healthy athletic activity.  Getting the blood circulating, moving, doing something that requires hard exertion is great too, but quiet meditative moments are meant to be appreciated too.

In the past, cold and rainy days meant just logging into some online game and trying to kill a couple of hours doing some game activity that I’d done a thousand times before.  “Level grinding” is what we would call it in online circles.  Just trying to accumulate more points to get to the next level by doing the same thing over and over again.  In many ways just like running on a thread mill and eventually just as monotonous.

But there are more satisfying and profitable ways to spend a cold dreary day.  Spending time with friends and just catching up is always good.  Doesn’t require any particular space and doesn’t have to be preplanned or special preparation.

Catching up on work.  Odd I know but I’ve caught myself actually enjoying spending time on weekends trying to get ahead or trying to catch up on those projects that would be “nice to do if I had the time” and lo and behold here we are.

Spending time alone at a tea or coffee-house and instead of going for your old reliable blend (ginger green in my case) exploring and trying some of the more exotic varieties or just sitting next to a window and watching the rain fall as you contemplate the tea leaves in your cup.

Letting a lazy afternoon drift past as you get lost in a good book and not realizing or caring how time has past until you can no longer read by natural light. Something that every person should do at least once in a lifetime.

Letting the muse strike and painting or composing a new song or writing a story or whatever creative activity that you enjoy take over your focus for an afternoon.

Point is that rather than doing the same old thing during this seeming waste of time, think of this as an opportunity for you to engage your more creative and intellectual instincts.

You may just find some hidden inspiration that you never knew existed.



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