the winter slowdowns

I’ve been going through a slow period lately and I don’t like it at all.  It started back in November.

First I missed a day of running, then another, and another.  I would only average four or five days of exercise a week and then this week I’ve barely done 2 days.  I have to confess it has me a little worried.  But it’s not just the exercise portion of my life, though that is the most apparent, I’ve felt myself slowing down all over.

My conscience has been going over it every day and my mind has been trying to find a reason for it.  At first I reasoned it was the change in the weather.  We had a somewhat strong cold surge early in the month and that definitely didn’t help things.  Hard to motivate oneself to go out into the freezing cold at 4 in the morning.  But the weather’s moderated.

On top of everything the fitness app I had on my smartphone updated and erased 15 months of fitness records.  I was just flabbergasted.  I sent off a quite angry email to the support team for the app.  All I got back was an automated email reply.  All those records gone.  Still can’t believe it.

Then I looked at my goals page and realized I had achieved most of them.  So maybe that’s part of the problem.  I did my “epic” 16 mile run, I ran a timed race (I did fairly well if I do say so myself), I hit most of my fitness goals for the year.  Now that I have most of that taken care of maybe I’ve got nothing to shoot for.

Of course maybe it’s the opposite and I have too much on my plate.  I’ve got a trip coming up and I’m running around trying to get everything prepared for the trip, and at home, and at work while I’m away.  Maybe I’m spread too thin.

It could also just be that with the end of the year at hand and with things coming to an end that my mind is slowing down as well.  Maybe come January things will go back to normal. I don’t have any studies or proof for this but I do see it a lot in the attitudes of people who I’ve known that they seem to start coasting and doing the minimal amount towards the end of the year.

I don’t know.  I just want to get back to feeling normal.

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