the return of college football

We have once again crossed the stark and trying month of August.  Maybe it’s global warming or El Nino or just old age but August seems to get worse each year.  But we’ve made it once more.  At the cusp of September I can now look forward with anticipation to my favorite time of year.

The rituals have already begun.  Kids and college students are all back in class now, the stores have set out their back to school sales and are slowly bringing out their Halloween decorations.

For me it’s seeing college football return.  I don’t really care for much in the world of sports.  Professional sports are too commercialized and mercenary for me to enjoy.  I know some athletes do practice their sport for the love of the game but for most it’s a paycheck and a job, plain and simple.  I don’t begrudge them the huge salaries they make but neither will I contribute to them.

The college game though.  That still has a tinge of purity about it.  Particularly in the small schools.  Most of these kids will never draw a check or even see a game except as a spectator.  Yet even knowing that they won’t make this into a profession they still pour their hearts and souls into each game.

I’m not much into TV anymore and Lord knows that I don’t have much free time for it either.  But kicking back and catching a couple of games on a lazy Saturday afternoon is something that I still like to do.

The excitement and energy from those games is infectious.  Even if I know nothing about the particular schools playing, I can get into how intensely these players are trying to win for the rest of their school bodies.

So yes, Once more I will be wrapped up in college football until early January.  A bad habit?  Maybe.  But one that I think I can afford to continue with.

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