
I’ve many faults.  Some I’ve eradicated over time and some remain.  One of the biggest?  I have a hard time accepting credit.  If I do something really good or noteworthy, if I do a great job on a project, make a big sale, or in any way do something superlative and someone congratulates me or thanks me I don’t really know how to react.

I mean it seems rather bizarre to me that anyone would praise me for doing what is essentially my job.  Why?  Doesn’t anyone else do the same?  I mean I get that you would be criticized or chastised for screwing up, but why would you get praised?  I found it rather confusing for a long time and I never knew how to react to it.

Not a huge deal right?  But along with this I wasn’t praising others for doing a good job either.  I guess I was taking it for granted that everyone else just did a superlative job anyways, so why praise them?  I eventually realized that my attitude is somewhat off-putting and it makes it difficult for people around me to relate to me on all but the most basic of levels.

So I’ve had to learn to praise and to accept praise.  Weird I know, but true.  Like I said a huge and somewhat basic fault in me.  One that I’ve had to work hard at trying to correct for many years.

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