market day

Although the modern supermarket is now the model of efficiency and now provides shoppers with a plethora of choices and the maximum of conveniences it lacks those elements which were once the hallmarks of the venerable market square.  The social function of gossiping, chatting, and lingering over the merchandize happens only as an after thought.  The thought that a supermarket might serve as a meeting and gathering place to discuss issues that affect the community is pretty much unheard of these days.  Today’s supermarket is all business.

The black tarred parking lot radiates heat back up as I step out of my car.  This spurs me on to cross the vast open and lifeless expanse and to enter the supermarket as quickly as possible.

The automated doors open and a blast of cold air wards against any of the summer heat entering into the store.  I grab up a little shopping basket.  I almost never use a cart as I don’t buy all that much.

Fruits and vegetables from all parts of the world.  A chance to try something exotic.  Most of these odd products ultimately end up rotting in place.  The few that do get sold go for eye-popping prices.  I grab up some lemons, limes, apples, and plums.  Broccoli and green beans.  Simple produce and not too exciting but the foundation of my diet.

The bakery.  Yummy cookies, cheesecake, pies.  All look so good.  Too bad I can’t stop.

The meat department.  Ground turkey and ground chicken.  Once just for healthy eating, now more of a necessity as beef prices go up and up.  Tilapia, bland and boring but filling.

Cottage cheese or yogurt this week?

The checkout lanes.  The same old magazines on the racks, same old candy bars.  Check the smartphone for Facebook and twitter updates.  Suddenly it’s my turn up.  It’s all a rather mechanical transaction which makes me wonder why they don’t install more self-serve checkout lanes.

Back into the car.  Although I appreciate the convenience and selection I can’t help but feel that there is something missing from the whole experience.  Something that can’t be weighed on the scales or price checked by the scanners.  The vital human element has been almost totally extruded from the market experience and going to the market is no different from going some hardware store these days.

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