on course

Did you ever have a moment where you thought to yourself that you might want to change everything about yourself?  I used to get these all the time. I would be doing whatever it was I was doing and suddenly contemplate if what I was doing was right or even if it was worthwhile doing and where was all of this leading to?  Pretty disheartening but I had no over arching plan.

Part of the problem I think was that I did not realize the need for long-term goals to fall back on.  That is what these goals are for after all.  To give you something to look forward to during those long periods of time when you can’t see what the point is anymore.  To check your progress against a master list to see if this really is worthwhile doing.

But lets face facts.  when I was younger I did not think in the really long-term.  Unfortunately that is all too common for younger people.  But that isn’t something new or unique to my generation or even just me.  That’s been around for ages.  Those folks that have the gift of having the forethought to plan out their futures in minute detail are the ones that make it in this life.  They can put off immediate gratification for the sake of “the plan” and that’s something special in this life.

Took me a while to figure it out.  Know what I really like about all this planning?  Putting these individual parts out there and seeing how they fit together.  But equally enjoyable is actually deploying them and seeing “the plan” come together.

Things are going remarkably well if I do say so myself.  That’s when things usually fall apart, right?  Maybe they will, but that’s what the well thought through goals are for.  To prevent that from happening or to have a backup in case something happens.

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