sports empathy

I suppose I get it now.

The glazed looks, the ho-hum attitude, the feeling that you’d rather hear about anything else.  The way I feel after people on social media or people around me go on about the World Cup.

I have to admit it has created a bit of a buzz this go around.  Not just the guys that are full-time soccer fanatics but even everyday sports nuts have been discussing it.  With basketball season over and baseball going through the long dull summer season there is not much sports news out there so this neatly fills the gap in sports news until football starts in early September.

I have to say right off-hand that I really don’t like soccer.  I find it a bit of a toss-up between golf and soccer as to which is the more boring sport (golf has a slight lead at the moment).  I don’t get at all what the big deal is.  A couple of people will rehash old plays, and referee decisions, or talk about this player or that and I have to poke myself to stay awake.

Then the other day it hits me.  This is what people around me feel like when I go on about college football.  They don’t care about the fine points of the game or the peculiarities of the sport or any of it.  They’re being nice in that they don’t tell me to shut up.

I suppose we all have our own little sport that we love and love to discuss.  We also all have our long-suffering friends and relatives that do their very best to keep from walking off when we start going on and on about it.

What can we do to keep up our own interest and subtly share it with the world while not annoying others around us?  Not a heck of a lot really.  You never know who is going to react positively to your conversation and join in.  I think that’s why we go on and on about these things.

The only thing we can really do is what we’ve been doing on the receiving end.  Grin and bear it.

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