looking back, looking forward

I was doing some writing at a tea shop the other weekend and dug out my notebook from my satchel.  I usually have notes for my next section or chapter or whatever on paper.  I have writing tools like Scrivener but I’m hide-bound about some things and I prefer having a notebook for all my notes and planning.

Anyways as I was flipping pages I paused on the pages  that I wrote back in December with my plans and goals for the year.

Some people do monthly reviews, some do reviews every quarter or third of even half-year reviews.  As it was mid May and I hadn’t done this since February I decided to look it over and see how I was doing.  In some ways this post is part of that review.  Making some of my goals public puts extra pressure on me to get things done.

My health goals are proceeding ahead of schedule in some areas and behind in others.  Overall I am happy with the way they are coming along but I recognize that in some respects that I have a way to go and if I want to meet some of the hard number goals by December 31st that I need to get a move on.  I’ve run a couple of short course races and I think I will give Summer a break and wait for the Fall and look to races then.

Business wise I hit a horrible speed bump starting in late February and extending into early April.  A shame as January started very well and I had a glimmer of a hope that my business goals would be a breeze.  I’ve been putting in extra effort during the last month and a half and it seems to be paying off but it’s not going to be a breeze as I hoped and I will need to keep on it for the rest of the year.

General plans for home improvements are proceeding apace.  I have achieved a couple of small projects and will have a second round of flooring done in the Summer; sometime around July probably.

A new car….I think this is going to have to wait till next year.  Even back in December I recognized this as too lofty a goal for this year.  This would be nice to have but it’s not a necessity.

I’ve done several local events that I wanted to attend and that is going well.

The big vacation for the year is still a bit of a question mark for several reasons.  My initial plans focused on a trip to somewhere in Asia or the Indian Ocean in October but the time needed to travel there is a big stumbling block.  So I am still without a destination and frankly a lot is going to depend on how work proceeds during the Summer.

I am content with my progress.

For the most part.

Some things are missing of course.  Some aspects of my life aren’t easy or quick to fix.  But I think I could be in a much worse position so I am thankful for where I am.  I think I will schedule some time in late August or early September to look back and read this and see how the Summer turned out.

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