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Sometimes finding topics to write about gets to me.  Trying to cover things that I haven’t covered before.  Getting an idea and seeing I did it last year or thinking that I hadn’t expressed a thought and seeing that I really had.

Then on top of that, life tosses me the occasional curve ball.  Some project at work eats up all my time, or some domestic crisis erupts and not only do I not have the time to write but I can’t stop to think and to come up with new ideas.

You lose the urge to write or you start churning out substandard stuff.  What to do?  Could always wake up early or go to bed late and try to make time to write.  But that type of writing usually results in substandard material.

Really the only thing to do is to forgive yourself for the occasional lapse.  Take that extra weight off your shoulders and get on with the more pressing matters.

You will write again.  You really will.  But this time, this one time let it go.

It’s not the beginning of a downward slide or the end of the world.  Like all of life, writing is cyclical.  You have your good and bad times.  Some weeks you have tons of ideas and you line them up for publication and can’t wait to release them.  This time it just happens that you have no ideas.

Learn to live with it.

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