Story shard – wrinkled time

It seemed like such a good idea.

The concept had been sound.  Grab various important figures from all parts of history, ask them questions, and clarify so many questions and quandaries that had bedeviled historians for so long.

Carl looked round at the roomful of squabbling historical figures and wondered how it all went wrong.  Washington was yelling at Kennedy, Lincoln was being badgered by Jackson and Grant, A possible knock down, drag out, fight seemed to be more and more probable between Franklin and Roosevelt (teddy).

Apart from the start of the project, it had all gone wrong.

From a young age Carl had a keen interest in history.  To him the facts, figures, personalities, and events were more than just mere words on a page.  They weren’t just dull, lifeless, two-dimensional characters.  They lived and breathed and spoke to him and he so wanted to know more about them.  He devoured everything he could find about his favorite historical figures but the sources he could find were limiting and he yearned for more.

As he matured he found he had a talent for theoretical physics and pursued twin improbable degrees in history and physics.  As he did his post-graduate work alongside some of the leading physicists in time and space research a ludicrous idea popped into his head.

His mentor, Dr. Hideyoshi, had proposed that everything in the universe was at its core just energy.  All matter, energy, space, and time were just expressions of energy.  That energy all had a particular address in a complicated matrix of time and space coordinates.  If someone wanted to travel time or to bring an object through time to the present all they would need do is to figure out the particular address and then manipulate the energy to move it to another time and space coordinate.

Dr. Hideyoshi had spent decades doing the theoretical work and now with a team of assistants he was putting together what he called his dimensional manipulator.  A high energy machine that could bend and twist time and space to move objects from the past to the present.  Carl had definite ideas as to what it should be used for.

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