On top of your game

People say that failure is a great teacher.  No doubt about that as long as you survive that failure and then learn from it so you won’t repeat it again.

I can honestly say that I’ve had many lessons taught to me in this way and for most of my life I seem to have achieved many goals in this manner.  I never really have those moments where everything goes perfect or according to plan.  Some little thing goes wrong and suddenly it’s not a great but only a good victory or some medium-sized thing goes wrong and I’m left scrambling trying to keep things from going to hell at the last second.  In its own way it’s satisfying to strive mightily and win out.  You truly earn that victory when that happens.

But then every once in a while…

Whether it’s by repetition and practice or circumstance and timing everything seems to align for you.

The client comes in with a big order, the project is something that you can handle, the process goes smoothly, the outcome is predictable and done on or before the deadline.  No hang ups, no delays, no difficulties.

Everyone is working at peak efficiency and there seems to be a glow or air of infallibility to the whole office.  You go from strength to strength without a single misstep.

How?  How do you get that to happen each time and every time?  Why does it seem as if some organizations seem to have a magical glow about them as if they can do no wrong?  Are they really that good or are they just better at hiding the bad days and promoting the good days?

I’m all for working hard and earning what I get but some days, some days I still yearn for that easy win.

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