spare change


3 coins

3 coins

I will always rummage round my change and look for pre-1962 quarters.  This was the last year that quarters were made from silver.  Apart from being ridiculously valuable right now ($19.42 per ounce today 12/23/13) these coins have seen a lot of history.

I look at these quarters and try to imagine what they’ve seen, what they’ve gone through to wind up in my pocket.  I think of all the owners through the years and the various transactions that they’ve taken part in.

Could you imagine the future that lay ahead of you when you were struck bright and shiny one day in 1944?

Did you get used by some G.I. to call his parents and tell them that he was on the way home from the war?

How many times did you lay in a coin drawer at some supermarket and were served up as change to some shopper that didn’t even take a second look at you?

Were you carried surreptitiously in the night by a parent and slipped under a pillow in exchange for a child’s tooth?

How many months did you lie in a dark piggy bank waiting to be released by a child for some special purchase?

Were you part of a day’s panhandling and get used to buy a bottle of cheap rotgut liquor by some beggar?

Who lost you in a snow bank one cold blustery December morning and didn’t bother to retrieve you?  Who picked you out of the gutter the next Spring?

Have you traveled the world and seen many distant lands or just been happy to travel the highways and byways of America?

Have you passed through my hands before and I just haven’t noticed?

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