She’s pretty but…

I have a younger friend on a social network that sends me links of various pop culture stars and attractive women that he has contact with.

For a time I thought that he was trying to set me up with some of them but later on I think he just wanted to get my opinion on the various women that he liked.  Specially since later on he started sending me links to women in their twenties.

The thing is that yes these women were physically attractive and all but I guess over time I have learned the lesson that looks are not everything.  I have lived long enough to know that a pretty face can hide some ugly thoughts and that when it comes down to it that looks don’t last forever and really aren’t all that important when it comes to finding a mate.

Ideally you want to wake up to a partner that you can share your life with everyday and that you can be comfortable with.  Not necessarily someone who shares all your interests and points of view but someone who is similar to you in some respects but can still surprise you from time to time.

I’ve thought about sharing this bit of wisdom with my young friend but I have refrained for two reasons.  Firstly, I’ll be honest,  some of these women are very attractive.  But mostly I think that this is a lesson that he has to learn on his own.  Sure, I can relate this wisdom to him but I’m sure he will either not listen to me or he will feel that he’s still young and has a right to experience life on his own terms.  In that respect and as long as he understands the consequences, I fully support him.

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