keeping the habit

One thing I was determined to do on this last vacation is to keep my exercise and diet routines going.  For the most part I was successful.

Central Park was a great aid to me in this respect while I was in the city.  The park made a tempting target to visit every day and I have to believe that the locals could run a different path in the park every day and never get bored with repetition.

Another thing I noticed is that the nature of the city encourages walking.  You may have access to subways, cabs, buses, and whatnot, but you still have to do a fair bit of walking in the city.

Back to my vacation, I was able to do a lot of hiking during the Mohonk and Sagamore portions of my vacation.  I was in fact able to top 26 miles in one days accumulated walking and running.  Quite the feat for someone who not more than 3 years ago was averaging less than a mile a day.

One thing that I wasn’t so good at was maintaining the diet.  Willpower is something I need to work on and now that I’m back in my regular life it’s time to step back into the harness and get back to my routine.

But overall I am very pleased at my health habits during this vacation.  I could have just sat around all day long but even with a nasty running accident on the second day I kept at it and didn’t slack off one bit.

For my next vacation, wherever that may be, I intend to be more disciplined and integrate even more outdoor activities.

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