eyes or ears

How do you take your information?  Through the written word, through the spoken word, through the personal interaction?

Some folks don’t like one but prefer the other, some are more balanced, and some don’t listen at all.  How you relate information to others is important if you want to catch their attention.

I sometimes find that I am more successful in conveying my meaning if I just alter the method of delivery.  I don’t change one word but if I write it down the message gets across where otherwise it might be ignored or it might not make the impact that I wanted to.

In today’s business and social media world we all need to be fluent in all methods of communication if we want to make an impact on those around us and we need to be able to switch methods almost instantly.

More and more I find that the successful people out there are successful not necessarily because they are the best or most innovative or brightest person in their field but what they really are is successful communicators.

Tomorrow’s world will belong to the media savvy.

Everyone has a unique balance of how they prefer to take in ideas or information.  For me its a 40% spoken/ 40% personal/ 20% written

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