
I’ve always known that I was  Jack of all trades.  I was never one to specialize or master any certain field.  In school I could pick up new concepts easily enough but soon other kids mastered them and surpassed my understanding or skill level.  My strength however lies in the fact that I can assimilate and accept various different skills sets from various disciplines.

Music is a good example.  I trained on the recorder, a flute like instrument, and although I picked up the keys alright I could never get them to work properly or as fluidly as some of my schoolmates.  My fingering technique was not fluid enough so I was relegated to the woodwind section while others did solos.

Some might feel anxiety over this concerning their job prospects but I’ve never been too worried.  I’ve always understood my role as a supporting player and have used this to plug myself into many different job situations.  So while I am no master salesman I can do an effective job at it and while I am not a certified image analyst I can still do some good work in that field.

What I can’t do is displace a specialist in their own field.  But again this is not a worrisome prospect as I can do many things that those specialists can’t.

Unfortunately it’s a specialist world these days as far as jobs.  We Jacks have to take what we can get and there is no social or professional club for us to congregate.  I hope however that if any other Jacks out there read this that they realize that they’re not alone and that there is hope in the job market for them.  Don’t give up, don’t stop expanding your skill set.

Jacks can be valuable team players when given the right opportunity.

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