
I’m going to be 100% honest here.  Overall I don’t like tattoos.  They’re definitely not for me.

I find most tattoos to be ugly, ill-conceived, badly executed, and poorly planned.  Most people put little if no thought into getting a tattoo.  Usually it’s a spur of the moment decision brought about by too much peer pressure, liquor, emotion or a combination of all three.

To me it represents a juvenile thought process that doesn’t take into consideration any future repercussions of a decision that will be with you for most of your life.

Now, all that being said there are some exceptional examples of body art out there.  Some people have embraced tattooing and have put months if not years into crafting a whole body mosaic of what they want to express to the world through the tattoos on their bodies.  They pick out a style, they consult with top-level tattoo artists for weeks or months and together they go through and come up with a unified plan of how they will execute this plan.  The individuals that do this understand and embrace a lifestyle that will include if not make tattoos the centerpiece of their lives.  It is a carefully considered and adult decision process.

These people also understand that their bodies are living canvases for their art.  They take care of their bodies and keep fit.  They understand that in order to keep the art at its peak condition that they must take care of their skin.

These people I can respect.

But for most people I have to say tattoos are not for you.  Think about your life as a whole, what is it you want to accomplish?   What is it you want to be?  Where is it you want to be in ten years?  Is it going to be part of some counter-culture clique?  Will you be a bohemian artist in Soho?  A biker in southern California?  A Maori warrior?  A yakuza?  A top model in London?

Or will you instead be working at Giant Corp and living in the ‘burbs wearing dockers and a long sleeve button down to cover your tribal armband that you got in Cabo back on spring break of ’94?  Will you be regretting that “tramp stamp” you got at your cousin Suzie’s bridal shower when you and the girls went to the “bad side” of town and you had one too many tequila shooters?  Is it worth getting Sheila, Mary, Melissa, Angelica, or Deidre inked on your arm when you’re 18 and falling in love every other week?  Is it really worth getting that pithy little quote you picked up last week stenciled on your body?

I can’t tell you what to do with your body or your life.  That’s up to you.  I can however tell you to appreciate the body you have.  If it needs enhancing, then work out.  Make yourself the best you that you can be.  It’s a lot more permanent and more satisfying than any tattoo will ever be.

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