
Used to be that vacations were about cutting loose, getting wild, seeing how much I could get away with without landing in jail and the only real limitation was how much my liver could take.

Oh how the time’s have changed….

Here I am planning my next vacation and do I choose Acapulco or the Caribbean?  Do I go in high summer or spring break?  Hell no!  I’m going upstate to New York in the Fall.

I’m going to sit on a lake shore with a fishing pole and pretend to fish while I sleep, I’m going to climb mountains and hills and sit at the top and just stare out at creation.  Going to drive round and find farmer’s markets and honest to God pumpkin patches with scarecrows.  Oooh and aaah at all the pretty leaves as they come down.  Sit at some roadside cafe with terrible coffee and stale pie for a couple of hours while the rain falls outside.

Going to find a nice quiet forest and yell.

Recharge the mental and spiritual batteries for another 51 weeks.

Mainly I’m going to try to gather up the threads of my life and figure out what’s what and where do I go from here.

Lately I’ve been feeling like a desperate fencer endlessly parrying thrusts from life left and right and not even being able to catch up much less mount an offense.  Somewhere, somehow I’ve got to make a stand.  I hope this will give me the time to plan that out.

Don’t fancy my prospects otherwise.

When I was younger I relished living life out on the edge and at the moment.  Recklessly plunging on regardless of the consequences and then figuring my way out of my latest scrape.  Maybe it’s wisdom, maybe it’s old age but I don’t want to continue on like that.  I haven’t tried to live like that in years but lately I’ve had to.  Time to get back on the path.

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