Category Archives: Friends

someone special

Traveling alone can be fun.  At times.  But honestly it’s not something that can work out for an entire vacation.

In the same way living my life alone is not something that I look forward to.  This was one of the topics on my mind through a good part of my trip.  Although my parents are not in the best physical shape, they have each other and they have a dedicated family network to look after them.  Something that I do not have at the moment.

Yet physical security in my old age is not by itself a good reason to look for someone special.  It’s a bonus of a life lived with someone you care about.

I can make it through by myself for the next 40 or 50 years of life that I have left.  I’ve no doubt about that.  Life has thrown all sorts of challenges at me and I have not only survived but prospered, to a degree.  But yet it seems to me that it would not be the best of lives without someone to share it with.

This doesn’t mean that I intend to look for just anyone to share my life with.  Decisions made out of desperation are terrible decisions.  I do however intend to make a greater effort in this part of my life.

I haven’t actively pursued this aspect of my life for several years.  Circumstances have come up and given me excuses not to.  I will probably have many failures in this.  But it is far too important not to try.

time alone or time with friends

I generally like to explore things by myself.  Whenever I get the opportunity to take trips or go to new places or experience new things I usually do it alone.

I never know how the experience will go and I like to be flexible enough to change my plans at the spur of the moment, not as easy when traveling with someone else.

But see, that’s wrong.

The best trips I’ve had and the most fun that I’ve had has always been with other people.  In either groups or with someone else.  Sharing experiences seems to double or even quadruple the fun I experience.  Getting my own point of view as well as another person’s point of view provides me with an undefinable quality, something that I can’t mimic or recreate on my own.

The opportunities in life to do or see new things, and travel to new locations are diminishing as I age.  My responsibilities are such that time off is invaluable and has to be spent wisely.

My new outlook on life is that after I return from this vacation that I will do the best I can to reach out to friends and give up some of that valuable alone time that I treasure and spend it with them.