Attitude is everything


“When a cat is at the rat hole, ten thousand rats dare not come out” – Master Wang



We all have challenges to deal with in this life.  But how much harder do we ourselves make life when we have the wrong attitude?  Conversely how much easier does life get when you adopt the right frame of mind?

The cute little video above illustrates this point perfectly.  From a small feline full of attitude and just sitting to a nervous dog that looks at only the perils involved in the situation to the conclusion where the dog faces his fear and decides to go ahead and risk the worst possible fate.

But you say that’s just animals.  Animals can’t think.  They can’t reason and aren’t as advanced as humans.

I say “Aren’t they lucky?”  Humans are at least ten times worse at such things.  Our psyche tends to warp and tangle up our thought process till we’re left immobile and helpless by our fears.  In some ways our supposedly advanced nature is actually a handicap at times.  We can be our own worst enemies and our harshest critics.  Add in the human imagination and some paranoia and you’ll never set foot outside ever again.

We can however choose the route that we take through life.  The above example provides three such paths.

Firstly is the path of the scared dog.  We can look at life as a series of insurmountable challenges, and every decision fraught with danger and potential risk everywhere.  We can see each step as a potential calamity and always go looking for the easiest and safest path to go through life.  You’ll make it but your trip won’t be very long and it won’t be very interesting and you’ll often find yourself stopping and yielding to others.

Secondly is the path of the cat.  If you begin with the right attitude you can see life as something that is owed to you.  Something that you own and have every right to, then you can enter into any situation and act as if you’re the master of all you see. Now, this path can only get you so far.  Bluster and bravado are great but they aren’t substance.  However you can get substance along the way to back up that bluster and get really far in life.

Lastly is the path of the brave dog. After seeing all the perils ahead and considering the risks you proceed on anyways.  You’ve carefully measured the potential down side of the situation and decide that you could live with the possible disaster.  You won’t always be successful and you won’t escape unmarred but you will get through in the end because of your determination.

“He ponders the dangers inherent in the advantages, and the advantages inherent in the danger.” – Ts’ao Ts’ao


Which is the path for you?  That I can’t tell you.  That depends on your situation just as much as it does on your mental attitude.  All I can tell you is that you can’t make a wrong choice or a right choice.  But you are free to choose.



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