do your own TED talk

TED (technology, entertainment, and design) is a series of talks given in many locations around the world.  I’ve been a fan of TED talks for a long time.  The thought that people who are out there making a difference in the world would take the time to disseminate those ideas to the public at large is very appealing to me.  Very often those that do make a difference seem intent on keeping knowledge a secret.

The rest of us miss out on a lot because we don’t have direct access to these ideas.  I think the more we hear from each other, then the more that other people will feel compelled to innovate and think new thoughts and make new things that have never been seen before.

one of my favorite TED talks

The format is open and very friendly.  Basically a person stands in front of a group of people and has 20 or less minutes to explain a problem, their thoughts about that problem, why they are concerned about the problem, and what they are doing or want to do about it.

It’s that simple.

And what’s more anyone can do it.  The main requirement is that you have devoted time to a certain problem or discipline and that you feel strongly enough that you want others to know about it.  You don’t have to be a world leading scientist or politician or rock star to do a TED.

And what’s more you don’t have to speak in front of a bunch of people either.  I know some people who hate to speak in front of people or that prefer reading presentations.  If writing your ideas is easier for you then go ahead and do it that way.

The main thing is that you share a part of yourself with the world.

All of you have something special to share, to give, to express to the rest of us.  Do everyone a favor and let it out.  Let the rest of us know about it.


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